
Sale and free

Mar 10, 2019 09:01 by Media

Light weight Baby bed disassemblable only used for a year.adjustable into two types of height. Length 120× width 60× height 78cm: 2000
Baby carriage free with purchase
Milker:free with purchase
Carousel aladdin stove AKP-S242:2000
Sharp TV 20 inch (model: Sharp-VNotebook-LCDTV-AQUOS-LC–20ex1) 35000 yen
Fashionable glass cofee table disassemblable used for a year: 15000yen
Two outlet gas cooker with owen: free with purchase
Study table: free
Two bicycles (one 6gear/one normal) both for 2500
pick up until 16th march near Ohashi/Sasabaru station.

Mail for photos please

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