This well-established event brings together 21 schools of ikebana and kado (flower arrangement). It’s a rare chance to see such a wide variety of Fukuoka’s ikebana styles and trends in one place. Over 200 flower arrangements will be on display across the first floor atrium and second floor exchange gallery. New displays will be brought in on June 8, so consider attending twice! It’s a great opportunity to familiarize yourself with this traditional Japanese art.
• 6/6 (Thu.) ~ 6/9 (Sun.)
• Free
• 10:00~19:00 (6/7 and 6/9: ~17:00)
• 1F Atrium and 2F Cultural Gallery and Foyer Gallery, ACROS Fukuoka
• 1-1-1 Tenjin, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka