The Nakagawa and Haruyoshi Bridge riverfront area is adorned with a light entertainment show. First held to coincide with the 2023 Summer World Aquatics Championships, this event has now expanded its range and powered up! From 18:15 to 23:00 every hour, at 15 and 45 minutes past the hour, there will be a 15-minute show combining illuminations, lasers, and music. During the event, a night market will also take place on the Haruyoshi Bridge upper plaza, with live performances by artists during the intervals of the light show.
• 11/10 (Fri.) ~ 12/25 (Mon.) *rain or shine, but it may be canceled in case of severe weather.
• Night Market: 17:00~23:00 (L.O. 22:50)
• Laser show: 18:15~23:00 (every hour at 15 and 45 minutes)
• Free viewing
• Around Haruyoshi Bridge Detour Bridge Plaza
• 1-3 Nakasu, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka