With a history spanning over 780 years, Hakataori is a renowned woven fabric that originated from techniques learned by Hakata merchants in China and was even presented as a tribute to the Edo Shogunate. Recognized as a traditional craft of Japan, the annual Hakataori New Works Appraisal event takes place every autumn at Jotenji Temple, a location deeply connected to Hakataori. This year marks the 122nd iteration of the event, offering a rare opportunity for the public to visit the usually private Jotenji Temple. Visitors can leisurely explore the temple’s stunning Japanese rock garden alongside the showcased Hakataori pieces.
• 11/15 (Fri.) 14:00~17:00, 11/16 (Sat.) 10:00~17:00, 11/17 (Sun.) 10:00~15:00
• Free entry
• Jotenji Temple
• 1-29-9 Hakata-ekimae, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka
• https://hakataori.or.jp/