The Hakata and Tenjin Christmas Market, a beloved winter tradition, is making its debut in Kitakyushu. Two venues, the historical Murasaki River Waterside Square and the modern Senba Square, are connected by Ogai Bridge, transformed into a dazzling tunnel of lights. Simultaneously, the Murasaki River Night Spectacle and Kokura Illumination will light up the holiday season in Kitakyushu. At the Kokura Castle Christmas Market, limited-edition mugs featuring castle and Christmas motifs will also be available.
• 11/22 (Fri.) ~ 12/25 (Wed.)
• 17:00~22:00, Sat., Sun., hol. 12:00~22:00
• Free entry
• Murasaki River Shinsui Square (1-1 Muromachi, Kokurakita-ku, Kitakyushu City, Fukuoka), Senba Square (3-10 Senba-machi, Kokurakita-ku, Kitakyushu City, Fukuoka)