From the late 70s to the 90s, “OSAMU GOODS” gained immense popularity from teenage girls. The character created by the creator, illustrator Osamu Harada, when he was a teenager (1950s~1960s) with a longing for American culture and an outstanding design sense, had a great influence on Japan’s “cute” culture. With a focus on works in a wide range of fields such as advertising, publishing, and various goods, such as debut piece in the women’s magazine “an an”, and illustrations of Mister Donut, early materials from childhood and related materials are also exhibited. Get a closer look at the beloved Osamu Harada.
《グリーティングカード (1970年代)より》
©Osamu Harada
©Osamu Harada/KOJI HONPO
・9/12 (Sat.) ~ 10/18 (Sun.)
・9:30 ~ 18:00 (Fri., Sat.: ~20:00, 10/18: ~17:00)
・Adult ¥1,200, HS & College student ¥900, ES & JHS ¥500
・Closed: Wed.
・Fukuoka Asian Art Museum
・3-1 Shimokawabatamachi, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka