Hakata-born Otojiro Kawakami was known for penning the popular, Meiji-era satirical song “Oppekepe-bushi”. Having toured the world twice with his own group as the first Japanese theater troupe to perform in the West, Kawakami was also the first person to likewise introduce Western plays like Shakespeare to the Japanese audience. A Buddhist memorial service in his honor is held every year on his death anniversary, Nov. 11, by a Buddhist monk at the Jotenji Temple.
Find out more about Otojiro Kawakami here.
• 11/11 (Sat.)
• 10:00~13:00
• Free viewing
• Jotenji Temple
• 1-29-9 Hakataekimae, Hakata-ku
• 092-281-7761 (Hakata Machiya Folk Museum)
• http://hakatanomiryoku.com/akihaku/999.html