Prepare to drool – a total of 119 brands from eleven countries are represented at one of Kyushu’s largest chocolate festivals! This year’s theme is “Welcome to the Chocolate Labyrinth!” and marks the tenth time for the Salon du Chocolat to be staged in Fukuoka. Talk directly with chocolatiers from all over the world and learn more about the history of various brands. A bean to bar display provides information about where chocolate is produced, what are the raw ingredients, and how chocolate is manufactured. Special daily dessert plates made by top chefs in Fukuoka will be available for ¥1,944. Learn about their dishes directly from the chefs in person! Reservations required. (Call 092-721-1111, from January 26 to February 5.)
• 1/25 (Thu.) ~ 2/14 (Wed.)
• 10:00~20:00
• 7F Main Building, Iwataya
• 2-5-35 Chuo-ku, Tenjin
• 092-721-1111