A summer holiday event designed to explore the world of tea through the five senses. Fukuoka, historically open to foreign cultures, has embraced tea culture as well. The exhibition traces the evolution of tea culture through different eras, from the origins of tea drinking to hosting tea ceremonies, the awe-inspiring Golden Tea Room, the collection of famous tea utensils, and the general spread of tea consumption.
During the period, visitors will be served Yame tea (weekdays from 10:00 to 15:00 except on August 16), and there will be various related events such as demonstrations and workshops.
• 7/23 (Tue.) ~ 9/8 (Sun.)
• 9:00~17:00 (last entry: 16:30)
• Closed: Mon. (open if Mon. is a hol. and closed next weekday)
• ¥400, HS & JHS & ES ¥100
• Onojo Cocoro-no-furusato-kan City Museum
• 3-8-3 Akebono-machi, Onojo City, Fukuoka
• https://www.onojo-occm.jp/li/150/20220321091734.html