To commemorate the Fukuoka City Museum’s 30th anniversary year, a special exhibition named “Great Exhibition of Fukuoka Castle” will be held. This exhibition shows approximately 107 selected items, including national treasures and important cultural assets from their 170,000 item collection. The treasures of Kuroda Family, the dominating family of the Fukuoka Clan, will also display their national treasure swords “Heshikiri Hasebe” and “Nikko-Ichimonji.” Don’t miss the chance to see Fukuoka’s most famous treasures.
国宝 刀 名物「圧切長谷部」・金霰鮫青漆打刀拵
・10/10 (Sat.) ~ 11/29 (Sun.)
・Close: Mon. (If Mon. is a holiday, the next weekday) *open on 11/23, closed on 11/24
・Adult ¥700, free entry for JHS and below
・Fukuoka City Museum
・3-1-1 Momochihama, Sawara-ku, Fukuoka