
Yamato: The Cradle of Japanese Civilization

START: Jul 28, 2020 END: Dec 20, 2020

The ancient region of Yamato (present-day Nara) served as the political and cultural center of Japan for a significant amount of time. In this exhibition in collaboration with the Archaeological Institute of Kashihara, Nara, which has spent around eighty years excavating the many artifacts left behind by the ancient Yamato people and using them to untangle the strands of Yamato’s history. Return to the earliest days of Japan and retrace the footsteps of the Yamato people as they grew from their nomadic roots into a flourishing nation.

瑪瑙(メノウ)製勾玉 新沢千塚500号墳 古墳前期 橿考博蔵

祭祀具 稗田・若槻遺跡 奈良8世紀 橿考博蔵

・7/28 (Tue.) ~ 12/20 (Sun.)
・9:30~17:00 (Last entry 16:30)
・Adult. ¥700, College Student ¥350, free for HS and younger & 70 y.o. and older
・Kyushu National Museum
4-7-2 Ishizaka, Dazaifu, Fukuoka

金製垂飾付耳飾 割塚古墳 古墳後期 橿考博蔵

Published: Aug 19, 2020 / Last Updated: Aug 19, 2020

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