At the edge of Tenjin, you’ll find Écru, a unique specialty coffee and natural wine stand. Measuring in at just under 10m2, the shop is tiny but exudes Tatsuya Harada’s (owner) worldview, from the aromas to the music to the interior design. As the roaster churns out fruity, aromatic beans reminiscent of chocolate, patrons pick up cups of coffee to take back to the office, or stop in for a drink before heading out. Day in and day out, connoisseurs of fine coffee and fine wine choose Écru for Harada’s meticulously curated high-quality offerings.
Menu: Espresso ¥300 (single), ¥350 (double), Americano ¥480, latte ¥500, glass wine du jour ¥600, glass wine ¥800~1,500, bottled wine ¥4,200~, anchovy butter toast ¥450, cake du jour (e.g., rum raisin cake) ¥400
Originally published in Fukuoka Now Magazine (fn212, Aug. 2016)