Despite recent weather-related damages, JR Kyushu, the railway operator in Japan, remains committed to launching its Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) system on the Hita-Hikosan Line in August. The BRT, also known as the “BRT Hikoboshi Line,” is set to replace a railway service that was rendered inoperable six years ago due to severe rainstorms.
While the July rainfall caused some damage to the BRT’s dedicated lanes in Toho village, the company’s President, Yoji Furumiya, stated that the launch plans will proceed as scheduled. He emphasized the importance of the BRT system for local high school students’ commute, with an aim to have it operational by the start of the new school term on August 28.
Furumiya asserted that, while adverse weather events could potentially change plans, the company’s main focus is on restoration work and upholding their commitment to serve the community’s needs. They are determined to stick to the launch date. Source: NHK
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