On March 30, Hakata Port in Fukuoka City welcomed an international cruise ship, marking a resurgence in port calls after more than three years, as the industry had been brought to a halt due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Bahamas-registered vessel, Borealis, embarked from the United Kingdom on February 23, making its way through Vietnam before arriving at Hakata Port around 8 am on the 30th. Aboard the ship were roughly 800 passengers who were greeted by Fukuoka City staff, holding a banner reading “Welcome to Fukuoka” in English. The passengers completed immigration procedures while being entertained by a taiko drum performance by a local group. Subsequently, the visitors boarded tour buses to explore the city. Cherry blossoms in full bloom were photographed at Maizuru Park in the Chuo district. According to Fukuoka City, six port calls are scheduled for April, raising hopes for a recovery in foreign tourist numbers that dwindled amid the pandemic. Source: NHK / KBC
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