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Driver Crunch: Fukuoka City Suggests Relaxed Autonomous Bus Licensing

Fukuoka City in Japan has proposed to the national government to relax the licensing rules for autonomous buses. Under current laws, even smaller vehicles such as minivans require a medium-sized vehicle license if they hold more than 11 passengers. With recent technological advancements making driving operations simpler, Fukuoka City has suggested that a regular driving license should be adequate for autonomous vehicles of around the same size as regular cars, given certain conditions are met. The proposal aims to remove obstacles to securing drivers and accelerate this process. If the relevant government departments proceed with these discussions, it could lead to pilot testing in National Strategic Special Zones, including Fukuoka City. Source: KBC

Driver Crunch: Fukuoka City Suggests Relaxed Autonomous Bus LicensingPhoto from Photo AC

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Fukuoka City
Published: Jun 22, 2023 / Last Updated: Jun 22, 2023

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