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Female Councilor’s Outfit Suggestion Sparks Controversy

In a session of the Iizuka City Council on May 30, city councilor Ryuta Fujima, a member of the Japan Restoration Association, received a severe warning from the chairman for making inappropriate remarks towards a female councilor. Fujima reportedly suggested that if she wore a sailor uniform while speaking, the views on Iizuka City’s YouTube channel could increase from the current 200-400 to 3,000-5,000.

According to the Iizuka City Council Secretariat, Fujima apologized to councilor Kaneko after the committee meeting ended. However, he received a stern warning from the chairman, Toru Eguchi, who deemed his remarks as inappropriate.

Fujima said in an interview that he made the comment as a method to attract more attention to the efforts, but admitted that it was indeed inappropriate. On the other hand, city councilor Kayo Kaneko, whose name was mentioned, criticized Fujima’s comment as disrespectful to women, contradicting the principle of gender equality. She expressed hope for better understanding and demonstration of gender equality from the individual, the council, and society at large. Source: KBC

Female Councilor's Outfit Suggestion Sparks ControversyPhoto from Photo AC

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Published: Jun 1, 2023 / Last Updated: Jun 1, 2023

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