Local News

From Trains to Buses: New Life for Kyushu Route

A section of the JR Hita-Hikosan Line, which was severely affected by heavy rains in Northern Kyushu six years ago, resumed operation on the 28th. The service has been transformed into a Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) system, now dubbed the “BRT Hikoboshi Line,” connecting Soeda Town and Hita City in Oita Prefecture. The inaugural bus departed from “Chikuzen Iwaya Station” in Toho Village at 5:30 AM, with Mayor Hideki Sanada handing a bouquet of flowers to the driver. Approximately 20 local residents boarded the first bus, including a woman in her 60s who said she had been eagerly awaiting the service’s launch. Throughout the morning, celebratory events also took place at another station in Toho Village, with people waving flags to welcome the new service.

The transformed 40-kilometer stretch between Soeda Station and Hita Station will now be served by buses instead of trains. About 14 kilometers of this stretch have been turned into a dedicated bus lane. The Soeda-Hita direct route takes about an hour and a half. To improve convenience, the number of stops has tripled to 36 compared to when it was a railway line. Service frequency has also increased, particularly during peak commuting and school hours. As the population continues to decline, JR Kyushu and local municipalities are working together to attract more passengers and aim to revitalize the region through the introduction of the BRT system. Source: NHK / JR Hikoboshi Line

From Trains to Buses: New Life for Kyushu RoutePhoto from JR Kyushu official Twitter

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Fukuoka Prefecture
Published: Aug 29, 2023 / Last Updated: Aug 29, 2023

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