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Fukuoka City Ranks 22nd in Monocle’s Global Quality of Life Survey 2022

Monocle’s 15th annual Quality of Life Survey was released on June 16, and the good news? Fukuoka is back in its ranking of the top 25 desirable cities to live in the world! Captioned “The balanced Japanese city,” Fukuoka squeezed back into the list at the 22nd spot after missing the cut in 2021 for the first time since 2008. Monocle reports, “The city of over 1.6 million in southern Japan is a better place than most to seek an ideal mix of work and fun.” and they include photos of the ACROS Building, Ohori Park, West Udon, and Kushida Shrine. Read the full article here: https://monocle.com/magazine/issues/155/quality-of-life-survey-part-one/

Fukuoka City Ranks 22nd in Monocle’s Global Quality of Life Survey 2022

2022 Rankings

1. Coppenhagen / コペンハーゲン
2. Zurich /チューリッヒ
3. Lisbon / リスボン
4. Helsinki / ヘルシンキ
5. Stockholm / ストックホルム
6. Tokyo / 東京
7. Vienna / ウィーン
8. Sydney / シドニー
9. Vancouver / バンクーバー
10. Taipei / 台北
11. Munich / ミュンヘン
12. Seoul / ソウル
13. Berlin / ベルリン
14. Amsterdam / アムステルダム
15. Madrid / マドリード
16. Auckland / オークランド
17. Paris / パリ
18. Barcelona / バルセロナ
19. Melbourne / メルボルン
20. Kyoto / 京都
21. Milan / ミラノ
22. Fukuoka / 福岡
23. Oslo / オスロ
24. Singapore / シンガポール
25. Brisbane / ブリスベン

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Fukuoka Prefecture
Published: Jun 16, 2022 / Last Updated: Jun 16, 2022

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