Local News

Fukuoka Grapples with Beachside Nudity Incident

In Koga City, Fukuoka, residents can’t believe what they’ve seen. A bystander had to call the police after spotting around 20 men exposing themselves at a local beach. Yeah, that’s right—half of these guys were totally naked, and the other half were wearing nothing but garter belts. And here’s the kicker: by the time the police got there, everyone had vanished.

People in the community are definitely rattled. One resident said it’s not just shocking but actually scary. Another wondered aloud why they were naked now that summer’s over.

But get this: one local claimed that he’s seen groups of naked men at the coast for about 20 years. These guys apparently hustle to put on underwear if someone walks by. So, it’s not a one-time stunt; it’s an ongoing mystery.

The police are taking this seriously. They’re investigating it as a case of potential public indecency and even think the beach may serve as a sort of “meeting place” for these bizarre gatherings. This story is far from over, folks. Source: TNC

Fukuoka Grapples with Beachside Nudity Incident

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Fukuoka Prefecture
Published: Sep 26, 2023 / Last Updated: Sep 26, 2023

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