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Fukuoka High Court Revises Sentence for Kudo-kai Syndicate Leader to Life Imprisonment

In a significant turn of events, the Fukuoka High Court has overturned the death sentence initially handed down to the leader of the Kudo-kai, a designated dangerous crime syndicate based in Kitakyushu City. The appellant, Satoru Nomura, 77, faced accusations in four separate attacks, including the murder of a former fisheries cooperative leader. The second court ruled to abolish the death penalty, replacing it with a life sentence, citing insufficient evidence to confirm Nomura’s directives in the murder case, leading to his acquittal on that charge.

Despite the serious nature of the remaining three incidents, where individuals were targeted by firearms or blades, the court acknowledged conspiracy but deemed the evidence inadequate to uphold the capital punishment for Nomura. His second-in-command, Fumio Tanoue, 67, also saw his life sentence reaffirmed, as the court recognized his involvement in orchestrating some of the attacks.

The decision has sparked significant reactions, with the defense indicating plans to appeal the ruling, challenging the convictions on the grounds of disputed murderous intent. Critics, including former police officials involved in anti-gang operations, expressed disappointment and disbelief over the court’s verdict, emphasizing the gravity of the crimes and their impact on the community. The case, encapsulating a lengthy and notorious history of the Kudo-kai’s violent acts, continues to evoke strong sentiments within Fukuoka’s legal and civic circles, with many awaiting the final resolution as the defendants move to appeal the high court’s decision. Source: NHK

Fukuoka High Court Revises Sentence for Kudo-kai Syndicate Leader to Life Imprisonment

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Fukuoka Prefecture
Published: Mar 13, 2024 / Last Updated: Mar 13, 2024

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