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Fukuoka Prefecture Releases Findings of Foreign Resident Survey

Fukuoka Prefecture conducted a survey in February 2020 to gauge the experience of foreign residents in the prefecture. Randomly selected 1,517 respondents answered questions on three themes; Japanese language, daily lives, and disaster prevention. The results revealed a high standard of Japanese language skills, including 49.1% who can articulate their ideas without difficulties, and 44.0% can understand spoken information in TV and radio programs. Amongst 77.7% of the respondents, who have jobs in Fukuoka, approximately one-third hope to continue working in Japan for a longer time, to get a higher salary, and to have opportunities to learn the Japanese language. Over 90% of the respondents said they would recommend people in their home countries to work in Fukuoka because of the town’s cleanliness, friendliness of coworkers, excellent food culture, etc. Exchange students and special skill workers tend to have more worries regarding health issues and natural disasters, compared to permanent residents. Respondents who have been in Japan for three years or less have greater difficulty in understanding special terms such as ‘keikai (警戒),’ ‘tokubetsu keiho (特別警報)’ and ‘shindo (震度).’ Also, the majority hoped disaster information would be provided on social media and TV programs. Source: Fukuoka Prefecture / NHK

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Fukuoka Prefecture
Published: Sep 18, 2020 / Last Updated: Sep 18, 2020

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