For accommodation facilities including hotels, ryokan, and minpaku, the city will subsidize 80% of supplementary sanitation costs (*up to ¥500,000 per facility, for expenses between Apr. 7 ~ May 6.) Applications will be accepted online from mid-May. (Tourism & Industry section: 092-711-4353)
For small and mid-sized companies that introduce teleworking systems, the cost for purchasing or leasing devices, hiring of necessary consultation services (ex. network security) will be covered up to ¥500,000. Applications will be accepted from early-May. (Business section: 092-711-4849)
Additionally, for cultural and entertainment facilities run by small and mid-sized companies (live houses, theaters, and the like) costs for creating and streaming online videos of performances without audiences will be subsidized by 80% (*up to ¥500,000 per facility.) Leasing costs for required equipment and studios between Apr. 7 ~ Jul. 31 are eligible (for expenses incurred between Apr. 7 ~ May 6.) Applications will be accepted via post and email between May 1 ~ Jun. 30. (Contents Promotion section: 092-711-4329 (until Apr. 30), 080-6449-6441 (from May 1)) Details for other programs will be announced as soon as they are ready. Sources: Data Max / Fukuoka City
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