Local News

Kego Shrine Reveals New Shrine Crest

Kego Shrine has revealed its new shamon (shrine crest) as part of the effort to generate more public interest. The crest was designed by Akihiro Nishizawa (who also created the Nana’s Green Tea logo), and the design centers around the character “固”, which is part of the name “警固” (Kego). They have also refreshed the design of their omamori (charms) and omikuji (fortunes, of which there are 19), and part of the haiden (front shrine) and the juyosho (visitors’ center) have received a makeover. Source: Tenjin Keizai Shimbun, 12/28

kego crest WM 001

Published: Jan 7, 2016 / Last Updated: Apr 1, 2016

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