Local News

Moji Customs Reports Doubling in Drug Smuggling Cases

Moji Customs has heightened its vigilance following a report showing nearly a double increase in the number of drug smuggling cases compared to the previous year. In the last year, about 9 kilograms of illicit drugs including methamphetamine and cannabis were seized in 24 incidents, marking an approximately 1.8-fold increase. The rise in international travelers following the downgrade of COVID-19’s legal status last year is believed to have impacted this surge. Notably, smugglers have become more sophisticated, with instances of drugs being concealed within coffee beans. Moji Customs has pledged to strengthen enforcement in collaboration with the police. Source: KBC

Moji Customs has heightened its vigilance following a report showing nearly a double increase in the number of drug smuggling cases compared to the previous year. In the last year, aboutPhoto by GRAS GRÜN on Unsplash

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Published: Feb 15, 2024 / Last Updated: Feb 15, 2024

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