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New Outlet Proposal for Marinoa City Fukuoka’s Comprehensive Renovation

Mitsui Fudosan is considering the introduction of Mitsui Outlet Park as part of a comprehensive renovation plan for Marinoa City Fukuoka, located in the Nishi Ward of Fukuoka City. Despite no final decision as of April 1st, Marinoa City is expected to cease operations as early as this summer, with some tenants already being informed. Fukuoka Reit, operating Marinoa City, has cited building and facility aging as the reason for considering reconstruction. Opened in October 2000, Marinoa City was Kyushu’s first full-scale outlet mall, housing around 160 stores. Mitsui Fudosan’s proposal includes transforming the facility into a commercial space that allows visitors to enjoy the waterfront and marina breeze, planning to increase the number of stores to 200 and aiming for an opening in fall 2026. Source: RKB

New Outlet Proposal for Marinoa City Fukuoka's Comprehensive Renovation

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Published: Apr 2, 2024 / Last Updated: Apr 2, 2024

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