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Northern Kyushu Enters Rainy Season Ahead of Schedule

The northern part of Kyushu, Japan is expected to experience increased cloudy and rainy days due to the effects of the seasonal rain front. The meteorological agency announced on the morning of May 29 that it is believed the rainy season, known as ‘Tsuyu’, has begun in this area. According to the Fukuoka Meteorological Agency, rain was prevalent in northern Kyushu on May 29, influenced by the seasonal rain front and humid air. 

With the rain front gradually moving south, there will likely be many more days of clouds and rain for the next week or so. It was reported at 11 AM on May 29 that the rainy season has started in northern Kyushu, which is six days earlier than usual and 13 days earlier than last year.

In the three-month forecast issued by the meteorological agency last week, rainfall from June to August is expected to be ‘about the same as usual.’ The agency mentioned that approximately 30% of the annual rainfall usually falls between June and July, and heavy rain often occurs toward the end of the rainy season. Therefore, preparations for these conditions should be made early this year.

On another note, a large and very strong typhoon, Typhoon No. 2, is expected to approach Okinawa with significant strength.People in other regions are also advised to pay attention to the latest information. Source: JMA / NHK

Northern Kyushu Enters Rainy Season Ahead of Schedule

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Published: May 30, 2023 / Last Updated: May 30, 2023

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