Local News

Vietnamese Intern in Fukuoka Pleads Not Guilty in Infant Abandonment Case

In her first trial at the Fukuoka District Court, a Vietnamese trainee, aged 20, denied disposing of her stillborn baby’s body in a Fukuoka City apartment. The accusation stems from an incident reported in February, where she allegedly concealed the body in a trash bag. The prosecution argued that she, fearing deportation if her pregnancy was discovered at work, attempted to dispose of the body secretly. Her defense will present a detailed argument in June. Meanwhile, local support services highlight the challenges and necessary support for pregnant foreign nationals in Japan. Source: NHK / TNC

Vietnamese Intern in Fukuoka Pleads Not Guilty in Infant Abandonment Case

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Fukuoka Prefecture
Published: May 15, 2024 / Last Updated: May 15, 2024

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