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Wild Boar Roams Kitakyushu’s Moji Port Retro!

Moji Port Retro area of Kitakyushu City, known for its bustling array of restaurants and souvenir shops. The incident, captured on video, showed the boar, about one meter in length, strolling in front of a store along the harbor. Visitors in the area were taken aback by the sight of the wild boar. The police received a report of the large wild boar just before 5 PM and quickly responded to the situation. Despite the unexpected visit, there were no injuries. The Moji Ward Office, in cooperation with the police and a wild boar extermination company, addressed the situation. The boar eventually moved towards the north and disappeared from view. In Moji Ward, where wild boar sightings are not uncommon, officials advise residents to maintain calm and move away quietly if they encounter a wild boar. Source: NHK

Wild Boar Roams Kitakyushu's Moji Port Retro!

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Published: Dec 6, 2023 / Last Updated: Dec 6, 2023

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