Local News

Zipping Across the Straits: Kitakyushu and Shimonoseki’s Sky-High Ambition

A collaborative project aiming to establish a zipline over the Kanmon Straits, connecting Kitakyushu City and Shimonoseki City, was officially announced on the 30th. A joint city project team is set to be launched to accelerate the development of this zipline venture. Kitakyushu City’s Mayor Takeuchi expressed optimism, stating that coupling the zipline with diverse local offerings such as tourism, transportation, and culinary experiences could potentially attract more visitors.

The official dialogue between the mayors of Kitakyushu City and Shimonoseki City marked a significant moment as it was the first such discussion in 12 years, since 2011. The theme of the meeting was reaffirming the partnership between the two cities, and the proposed zipline project was a prominent agenda.

The zipline, which will run over the Kanmon Straits, is an ambitious undertaking, stretching an impressive 1,740 meters in total. With a feasibility study indicating the project is viable, a proposed timeline aims for operations to begin sometime after the year after next. Source: Kanmon Kaikyo Mega Zipline / KBC

Zipping Across the Straits: Kitakyushu and Shimonoseki's Sky-High AmbitionPhoto from Photo AC

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Travel & Tourism
Yamaguchi Prefecture
Published: May 31, 2023 / Last Updated: May 31, 2023

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