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Hometown: Sicily, Italy
In Japan: One year
Identity: Florist

“I used to cut the hair of beautiful women everyday; now I cut beautiful flowers. I enjoy both, but the flowers complain less. Flowers are pretty much the same around the world, but the arrangements here are much more simple and natural compared to those in Europe.” Before coming to Fukuoka (his wife’s hometown) one year ago, Giuseppe worked as a hair stylist in London. Now you can find him at Hanasaki Florist under the Nishitetsu Line between Takamiya and Hirao. Tel 092-522-8739






Hometown: Sicily, Italy
In Japan: One year
Identity: Florist

“I used to cut the hair of beautiful women everyday; now I cut beautiful flowers. I enjoy both, but the flowers complain less. Flowers are pretty much the same around the world, but the arrangements here are much more simple and natural compared to those in Europe.” Before coming to Fukuoka (his wife’s hometown) one year ago, Giuseppe worked as a hair stylist in London. Now you can find him at Hanasaki Florist under the Nishitetsu Line between Takamiya and Hirao. Tel 092-522-8739





出身地: イタリア・シシリー
日本滞在: 1年
職業: 花屋さん

南区大楠の花屋さんにイタリア人のスタッフがいると聞き、さっそく駆けつけてみると、陽気でフレンドリーなジュセッペさんが花束を抱えてお出迎え。彼は一年前からここ「花咲」で働きはじめ、今では「外国人のいる花屋さん」の看板を背負う人気者!花は世界中どこにでもあるけど、ヨーロッパと日本では花の種類やアレンジが違うのが面白いのだとか。日本に来る前はロンドンの美容室でヘアスタイリストをしていたらしく、美しいものをアレンジするのはお手のもの!?「でもヘアーカットより花の方がいいよ。失敗しても文句言わないからね(笑)」とジュセッペさん。花咲で見かけたら声を掛けてみて!Tel 092-522-8739






Hometown: Sicily, Italy
In Japan: One year
Identity: Florist

“I used to cut the hair of beautiful women everyday; now I cut beautiful flowers. I enjoy both, but the flowers complain less. Flowers are pretty much the same around the world, but the arrangements here are much more simple and natural compared to those in Europe.” Before coming to Fukuoka (his wife’s hometown) one year ago, Giuseppe worked as a hair stylist in London. Now you can find him at Hanasaki Florist under the Nishitetsu Line between Takamiya and Hirao. Tel 092-522-8739







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