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Hometowns: Vancouver & L.A.
In Japan: both 1-year
Identities: Gaijin Talento
They’re two “wild’n’crazy” gaijin guys – and they’re running amuck in Fukuoka! Pity the locals who get caught up in their zany stunts, such as when they posed as professional dance instructors in front of a regular class. Or when they substituted themselves as chefs in a fancy French restaurant and served up “special” dishes for unsuspecting guests. Both have experience in film and modeling and hope to sell SupaGaijin to a TV station here or overseas. Learn more at: www.supagaijin.com
Hometowns: Vancouver & L.A.
In Japan: both 1-year
Identities: Gaijin Talento
They’re two “wild’n’crazy” gaijin guys – and they’re running amuck in Fukuoka! Pity the locals who get caught up in their zany stunts, such as when they posed as professional dance instructors in front of a regular class. Or when they substituted themselves as chefs in a fancy French restaurant and served up “special” dishes for unsuspecting guests. Both have experience in film and modeling and hope to sell SupaGaijin to a TV station here or overseas. Learn more at: www.supagaijin.com
日本滞在: ともに1年
職業: スーパー外人(タレント)
ちょっとおかしな行動をとっている外国人を見かけたらご用心。ファンキーでファニーな2人組「スーパー外人」のマッチョとゴージャスが、隠しカメラを持って福岡の街のレストランやダンス教室に出没しているぞ! 彼らはタレントを目指し、自作ビデオを制作しているオモシロ外国人なのだ。例えばお洒落なフレンチシェフになりすまして、なんてことない料理を出したり、プロのダンサーのふりをしてデタラメな踊りを披露したりと、やってることはハチャメチャなのだが、映画やモデルの経験もあるらしく、実はかなりの演技派!? 彼らに興味のある人は、ぜひアクセスしてね。www.supagaijin.com
Hometowns: Vancouver & L.A.
In Japan: both 1-year
Identities: Gaijin Talento
They’re two “wild’n’crazy” gaijin guys – and they’re running amuck in Fukuoka! Pity the locals who get caught up in their zany stunts, such as when they posed as professional dance instructors in front of a regular class. Or when they substituted themselves as chefs in a fancy French restaurant and served up “special” dishes for unsuspecting guests. Both have experience in film and modeling and hope to sell SupaGaijin to a TV station here or overseas. Learn more at: www.supagaijin.com