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May 3, 2012 Now Reports
Snapshot! – SCRUM! Fukuoka Touch Rugby!
The Ruamoko Fukuoka Touch Rugby team just kicked off in April 2011 but they already have over 20 regular members of all ages, nationalities and genders. They play at Maizuru Park o...

May 2, 2012 Now Reports
Snapshot! – Au Revoir Kooza
Inside the Fukuoka Big Top in Hakozaki the latest Cirque du Soleil extravaganza, Daihatsu Kooza, entertained more than 10,000 guests over three months, since its launch on Feb. 9. ...

Apr 30, 2012 Now Reports
100 Things to Do in Momochi
A new website promoting tourism in the Momochi area- “Momochi Fun Site ~ Hundred Way” has opened. The site includes 100 ways to have fun in the Momochi area- its concept a play-on-...

Apr 30, 2012 Now Reports
Snapshot! – Classifieds’ Poster Boy
John Shiomi, long-time Yame, Fukuoka resident from LA, found a job, over 30 friends and a wife all on the Fukuoka Now Classifieds! We had a chat with John before he moved back to t...

Apr 28, 2012 Now Reports
New Bicycle Laws for Fukuoka
On May 1, the Fukuoka Pref. Police will begin enforcement of the revised Road Traffic Laws concerning bicycles. The new laws prohibit three activities: 1. talking on a cell phone w...

Apr 26, 2012 Now Reports
Yahoo! Dome Roof To Open for 1st Time in 4 Years!
The roof of the Yahoo! Japan Dome will open for the first time in four years for today’s game against the Saitama Seibu Lions! The occasion will be marked by a pre-game show: a rep...

Apr 25, 2012 Now Reports
AruAruCity Anime to Open in Kokura
On Apr. 27, leading estate management company, Apamanshop Holdings (Tokyo) will open “AruAruCity” near the north exit of JR Kokura Station in Kitakyushu. The new anime/manga themed...

Apr 25, 2012 Now Reports
May 2012 Fukuoka Now Magazine
This month's cover model Yasu eats 3 kebabs every day - find out why! Inside, we quaff an ale at Ales in Maizuru, meet a professional gelato scooper from Macedonia and chat with Al...

Apr 25, 2012 Food & Drinks
Gastropub Ales
Finding a mug of icy cold beer has never been a problem in Japan. The big domestic brands are everywhere, imported bottled beers are now common in cafés and, recently, domestic cra...

Apr 25, 2012 Now Reports
Identity Parade
“Where are you from?” A sea of little Japanese faces stare up at me expectantly. I pause for a second to gather my thoughts, whilst the genkier kids start to throw guesses at me: “...