“Chibi Maruko-chan” has continued to bring laughter and comfort to the Sunday evening living room since the serialization began in 1986 and the anime series began broadcasting in 1990. To commemorate the 30th anniversary of the broadcast, about 350 items including celluloid pictures, sketches, storyboards and videos will be on display. In addition, original author Momoko Sakura who passed away in August 2018, her personal works and her handwritten script will also be displayed to show her thoughts on the anime and her daily life.
・10/24 (Sat.) ~ 11/29 (Sun.)
・9:30 ~ 18:00 (Fri., Sat.: ~ 20:00)
・Adult ¥1,300, HS & College student ¥1,000, ES & JHS ¥600
・Closed: Wed.
・Fukuoka Asian Art Museum Gallery A, B, C
・3-1 Shimokawabata, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka
・092-532-1082 (Weekdays: 10:00~18:00)