Yuki Nishimoto, a rising star in the world of sumi-e ink painting, is holding his first solo exhibition in Fukuoka. Nishimoto combines bold, daring brush strokes with delicate, intricate touches to create dynamic depictions that cover everything from more traditional subject matter such as dragons, to portrayals of contemporary figures including athletes and musicians. At just twenty-nine years of age, his work has already gained attention around Japan and overseas. This upcoming exhibition will feature approximately 100 awe-inspiring works, including a huge 30-meter dragon, as well as vibrant paintings of warriors and women. State-of-the-art projection technology will also be utilized to display Nishimoto’s creations in a dynamic and innovative style.
Read our interview with Yuki Nishimoto – click here.
Ryu no Kiseki (Miracle of the Dragon) Fukuoka Exhibition
• 1/6 (Sat.) ~ 2/11 (Sun.)
• 10:00~20:00 (last entry: 19:30) *2/11: 10:00~18:00 (last entry: 17:30)
• Closed: Wed.
• Adv.: Adult ¥800, HS & college student ¥500, pairs ¥1,400 / Door: Adult ¥1,000, HS & college student ¥700, pairs ¥1,600 / JHS & below: Free
• Fukuoka Asian Art Museum, 7F Riverain Center Building
• 3-1 Shimokawabata-machi, Hakata-ku
• 092-532-1111 (Fukuoka Broadcasting System, weekdays 9:30~17:00)
• http://ryunokiseki.jp