Thanks to the over three hundred guests who attended our first party at Quantic – it was a blast! And congratulations to Yuko Katsuki, the lucky draw winner of 2 round trip tickets to Europe on Finnair (Fukuoka to Helsinki)! Lucky her! We also gave out several certificates for complimentary pair lunches and dinners at Grand Hours, the snazzy restaurant on the first floor of Quantic. Special thanks to Koji Harada for Veronica, his seductive chocolate art installation, to DJ SakiE who got the crowd dancing, and, of course, to Kosuke Onizuka & Friends for their powerful live jazz performances. Check out all the photos here – as well as on our Facebook page (please feel free to tag the photos on Facebook)! Oh… and if you didn’t win tickets to Europe – you still can feel like a winner by flying non-stop to Europe (Fukuoka to Helsinki) in just 10 hours (more info here). Flights start on May 8! See you all at our Canada Day Party in July!