2021 will be a consequential year for many and an opportunity to get back on track from the massive disruption brought on by the pandemic of 2020. For many businesses, including Fukuoka Now, it’s an occasion to move forward and accelerate inevitable changes. Suspension of international travel and tourism meant we could no longer publish our print media, Fukuoka Now magazine and Now Map. We look forward to resuming those projects once inbound tourism resumes, but in the meantime, we have added mobile video livestreaming and vlogging to our media toolkit.
Kyushu Live is a series of mobile livestream videos aimed at connecting people worldwide to Fukuoka and Kyushu via live narrated tours. Kyushu Live appeals to everyone who has lived in or visited Kyushu, those planning a trip, or otherwise just interested in Kyushu. Viewers can interact with us via live chat or later in comments and with others. We’re building a community of Kyushu fans.
Kyushu Live – Connecting Kyushu to the World
Enough text – let’s watch! Go to our YouTube channel now and subscribe (enable notifications too) so you won’t miss any episodes. Meanwhile, here’s few samples:
Who are you?
Nick Szasz, a Canadian who has lived in Japan for 34 years. Thirty years in Fukuoka, three in Tokyo, and one in Osaka. I’m the founder and publisher of Fukuoka Now magazine, a monthly printed bilingual freely distributed magazine about Fukuoka and Kyushu for international residents and visitors from overseas since 1998.
Why are you doing this?
After twenty consecutive years of publishing a printed magazine about Fukuoka, I decided to branch out into video. Mobile livestreaming combines my love of Kyushu, cameras, and being outdoors – and helps me continue my mission to connect the world to Kyushu. So please sit back, relax, and let me do the walking and talking!
What are your plans for Kyushu Live?
This is just the beginning. My first goal is for 20 walks in different parts of Fukuoka City and then expand to other areas of Kyushu. It depends on audience reaction and support via YouTube and Patreon (hint! hint!). Yoroshiku!
How can the audience interact?
Please comment or send chat messages on YouTube. I’ve set up an account on Patreon and Instagram too. I love to hear feedback and suggestions for places to go and things to do. But first, please subscribe to this channel and tell other Kyushu fans about it.
Kyushu Live is a project by Nick Szasz in cooperation with Fukuoka Now Ltd. Media and other inquiries are welcome at live@fukuoka-now.com