Have you ever wondered what Kyushu looks like through someone else’s eyes? If so, you should check out Nathan’s video blog or “vlog,” www.bicycle-sidewalk.com. Nathan launched his vlog in July 2005 (nine months before the advent of YouTube) because he wanted to share his beloved Saga with the world. Since then he has (v)logged over 330 entries combining video with “man on the street”-type interviews. The result is a unique “bicycle-eye” view of Kyushu culture. Bicycle Sidewalk has gained worldwide appeal with over 400 subscribers. Unfortunately, Nathan is leaving us to be with his wife and one year-old daughter in Taipei. He says he will miss Japan and we will certainly miss him, but he vows to continue vlogging long into the future. Sayonara Nathan and good luck!
9 years
North Carolina, USA
Originally published in Fukuoka Now magazine (fn119, Nov. 2008)