Local News

Chikuho Bank, Oita Union Promote Transferable Pension Plans

Chikuho Bank and the Oita Prefecture Credit Union have formed a partnership to expand the use of the “Anyone DC Plan,” a corporate-type defined contribution pension plan. This initiative, encouraging the Credit Union’s business clients to adopt the plan, is part of a local revitalization effort. The scheme, managed by Chikuho Bank, supports small to medium-sized businesses’ employee welfare and offers tax advantages to the companies. The union will offer the plan through its 38 branches, enhancing job competitiveness by allowing asset transfer upon job changes. The “Anyone DC Plan” collaboration marks the first initiative based on their partnership agreement. Source: Chikuho Bank / Nikkei 

Chikuho Bank, Oita Union Promote Transferable Pension PlansPhoto from NakanishiKouki

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Fukuoka Prefecture
Oita Prefecture
Published: Jul 11, 2023 / Last Updated: Jul 11, 2023

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