Selected news topics by Fukuoka Now from Fukuoka’s Shisei Dayori.
Community bicycle trial
A trial will be conducted to determine the feasibility of introducing a network of “ports” for bicycle rentals.
●Period: Aug. 19~Mar. 31
●Ports: Sawara Ward office, Nishijin Station northern parking lot, Fukuoka SRP, and two points near Yahoo! Dome.
●Hours: 08:00~20:00 (weekdays), 10:00~19:00 (weekends/holidays), 24hr returns at unmanned ports.
●Fees: ¥200/hour, and ¥100 for each additional hour.
●Requirements: Must have a credit card
●Use: Register using touch panel screen (English, Korean, Chinese and Japanese) at the port. Pay by credit card.
●Note: Period, ports and times listed above may be subject to change.
Solicitation for groups to meet Takashima Mayor
A solicitation is being held for groups to meet with the mayor Takashima for discussions about public safety and local development. Applicants must be residents of the city, or work or attend school there. The mayor will travel to different sites for the discussions. To apply:
Public housing solicitation
Applications and explanations of the solicitation for public housing residents, including details on the housing, the number of units, and the residential qualifications, will be distributed starting Aug. 1 at the city department in charge of solicitations for the public housing corporation, information desks at ward offices, and the information plaza on the first floor of City Hall. Applicants are requested to mail their applications to the city department postmarked no later than August 10 (4-1 Tenya-machi, Hakata-ku, 812-0025). For information, call the department at 092-271-2561
*Next solicitation scheduled for November
Cell phone displays real time city service use
The Fukuoka City government has a system in which the number of people waiting to be served at each ward office and the insurance and pension division is displayed on PCs and cell phones. That’s convenient for avoiding crowds when picking up official documents and certifications.
Yipee! For FREE!
Hakata Uchimizu
Residents will spread water over the streets in 23 locations in the city to help beat the heat. There will also be ice sculpture displays and wind chime painting experience. The first 100 people will be admitted free.
What is Uchimizu?
Uchimizu is the practice of sprinkling secondary water onto gardens and streets during summer in Japan, to cool down the area, reduce dust and please neighbours. Traditionally, uchimizu was performed at twilight whilst wearing a yukata, using a bucket and ladle. It combines national values of courtesy and duty with utilitarian and aesthetic ends. Let’s do uchimizu and cool down the city!
●Date: Aug. 8 (Wed.), from 17:30. Event starts at 18:00.
●Inquiries: Hakata Machizukuri Promotion Association (092-474-7243)
For more Information
Fukuoka City Bulletin
Fukuoka Shisei Dayori is City Hall’s official magazine published bi-weekly on 1st and 15th of each month 23 times per year. It’s available in Japanese online too. Consider using it for Japanese study! ふくおか市政だより Website:
Originally published in Fukuoka Now Magazine (fn164, Aug. 2012)