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Fishing Boats in Hakata Bay Pose Risk to Large Ships

The Fukuoka Coast Guard is urging recreational fishing boats to exercise caution and avoid obstructing large ships passing through Hakata Bay. The bay has two main shipping lanes—Central and Eastern—that are deeper than other areas due to dredging, with depths ranging from 12 to 14 meters. In recent years, these lanes have become popular fishing spots for catching cutlassfish, attracting numerous fishing boats, especially on weekend mornings.

This situation poses a risk of collisions between large ships and fishing boats or causing larger vessels to deviate into shallower waters. While it’s prohibited for fishing boats to anchor within these shipping lanes, fishing itself is not banned. To mitigate risks, the Fukuoka Coast Guard has been engaging in marine patrols, advising fishing boats to move out of the way of passing large ships, and distributing flyers to fishing businesses to raise awareness. Source: NHK

Fishing Boats in Hakata Bay Pose Risk to Large Ships

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Fukuoka City
Published: Sep 21, 2023 / Last Updated: Sep 21, 2023

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