Local News

Fraudulent Calls Trick Fukuoka Resident Out of Millions

A man in his 40s from Fukuoka City was conned out of approximately 82 million yen by fraudsters impersonating government and police officials over the phone. The scheme started in May when the victim was told he had unpaid website fees. Over five months, he was manipulated into purchasing electronic money and sending cash deliveries and bank transfers, based on various deceptive claims, including false arrest involvement and cyber insurance coverage. The total defrauded amount reached 82.6 million yen, and the victim was unaware of the fraud until notified by the Gifu Prefectural Police, who discovered the scam during another investigation. Source: NHK

Fraudulent Calls Trick Fukuoka Resident Out of MillionsPhoto by Jonas Leupe on Unsplash

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Published: Nov 7, 2023 / Last Updated: Nov 7, 2023

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