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Fukuoka: Cybercrime Cases Reach All-Time High

Last year, Fukuoka Prefectural Police Headquarters received a record-high 6,300 consultations regarding cybercrimes exploiting the internet. The police are urging caution, such as not opening unfamiliar emails. According to the Fukuoka Prefectural Police Headquarters, there were 6,316 consultations about cybercrimes reported to the police last year. This is more than 580 cases higher than the previous year, setting a new record. The breakdown includes 2,075 cases of fraud and malicious business practices, such as luring people to fake websites and stealing personal information, followed by 1,284 cases of unauthorized access and computer viruses, and 961 cases of nuisance emails. Additionally, there were 14 cases of fraudulent money transfers related to internet banking, with confirmed damages of 20.8 million yen. On the other hand, the police apprehended a total of 358 cybercrimes last year, with 134 cases being the most common violation of the Child Prostitution and Child Pornography Law. Since many cases involve victims who meet through social media, the police are strengthening their “cyber patrols” to detect posts that may lead to child prostitution and other related crimes. Source: NHK

Fukuoka: Cybercrime Cases Reach All-Time HighPhoto by FLY:D on Unsplash

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Fukuoka Prefecture
Published: Mar 22, 2023 / Last Updated: Mar 22, 2023

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