Local News

Fukuoka Faces Influenza Surge, Public Urged to Take Precautions

In Fukuoka Prefecture, there has been a significant surge in influenza cases, prompting the Fukuoka City Medical Association to issue a warning during a press conference on December 6th about the potential for further spread of the infection. This concern is particularly heightened due to the expected increase in social interactions during the year-end and New Year holidays. As a response, the public is urged to strictly follow infection control measures.

The increase in flu cases led authorities to issue an “Influenza Alert” on November 30th, after the average number of cases per medical institution exceeded 30 patients, surpassing the national warning threshold. Hideki Nakayama, the Permanent Director for infectious diseases at the Association, reported a rising trend in flu cases, with an average of 45.92 cases per institution as of the week ending November 26th.

This rapid spread of influenza is attributed to a combination of factors, including decreased population immunity due to the lack of major flu outbreaks in the past three years and an earlier onset of the flu season this year. Additionally, a shortage of cough medicines and related pharmaceuticals in some city pharmacies has been reported. Source: Fukuoka City Medical Association / NHK

Fukuoka Faces Influenza Surge, Public Urged to Take Precautions

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Fukuoka Prefecture
Published: Dec 7, 2023 / Last Updated: Dec 7, 2023

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