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Fukuoka Prefecture Tackles Generative AI in New Project Team

In an effort to streamline operations and establish regulatory norms, Fukuoka Prefecture has announced the formation of a project team to study the application of Generative AI, including the rapidly popularizing conversational software ‘Chat GPT,’ which autonomously produces text and images. The announcement was made during a press conference by Governor Hattori on the 17th. According to him, the prefecture will launch a project team on May 26 to discuss the utilization of Generative AI such as ‘Chat GPT.’ The team will hold its first meeting on the 29th of the same month. The project team, composed not only of staff members but also experts in information science and law, will deliberate on rule-making and other considerations for using Generative AI in business. They also plan to share their findings with cities such as Fukuoka and Kitakyushu, and support its use at the municipal level. Source: Fukuoka Prefecture / NHK

Fukuoka Prefecture Tackles Generative AI in New Project Team

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Fukuoka Prefecture
Published: May 18, 2023 / Last Updated: May 18, 2023

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