Local News

Fukuoka’s First Special School for Non-Attending Children

The Fukuoka City Board of Education is planning to open a special school for children not attending regular classes, marking the first such initiative in the prefecture. Set to launch in the next academic year, the school will address the increasing number of non-attending students in Fukuoka City, which reached a record 4,400 last year. The special school will feature tailored instruction, including small-group learning and flexible curriculums, and will accommodate 40 to 60 students. This comes as part of a broader response to the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, and aims to prevent children from falling through the cracks in a rapidly changing society. Source: Fukuoka City / NHK

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Fukuoka City
Published: Aug 25, 2023 / Last Updated: Aug 25, 2023

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