In an unexpected turn of events, a 24-year-old man was arrested in Kitakyushu City for impersonating his elder brother during police investigations following a rear-end collision. He admitted to forging his brother’s signature on documents as a means to escape responsibility. The police, having initially failed to recognize the impersonation, had charged the older brother in the case. They have since expressed commitment to prevent such occurrences in the future.
The individual arrested is Hiroto Murakami, a construction worker from Kokuraminami ward, Kitakyushu City. The police state that he caused a rear-end collision earlier this year in Kitakyushu City, inflicting minor injuries on the other party. During subsequent police questioning, suspicions were raised of forgery as he impersonated his brother and signed false statements on documents.
Murakami has admitted to the charges, stating that he used his brother’s name because he was unlicensed. The Kokuraminami police station, which conducted the questioning, confessed to not recognizing the impersonation as they failed to verify his identity with a photo ID. They mistakenly charged the brother for negligent driving causing injury, only realizing their mistake after receiving information from a third party.
The police station has retracted the charge against the brother and vowed to take steps to prevent such incidents from happening again. Source: NHK
Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash
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