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Kitakyushu City Leads as Japan’s First ‘Child-Centered City

On the 13th, Kitakyushu City declared itself as the first “Child-Centered City” in Japan, advancing child-rearing policies in collaboration with academia, government, local communities, and youth. Mayor Kazuhisa Takeuchi announced this declaration, a step forward from July’s “Supporter Declaration,” emphasizing a collaborative approach to make the city more child-friendly. The declaration aligns with the national aim of creating a society supportive of children and child-rearing. Representatives from various sectors announced specific actions, including a “Wish Fulfillment Post” for children’s requests from the mayor and a “Child-Centered Work Style” from the Kitakyushu Chamber of Commerce. The event also featured a playful confrontation with a villain representing an “adult-centered society,” which was thwarted by “Kitakyuuman,” a child ambassador who will promote the initiative on social media. Source: Kitakyushu City / KBC

Kitakyushu City Leads as Japan's First 'Child-Centered City Kitakyuuman official X

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Published: Nov 14, 2023 / Last Updated: Nov 14, 2023

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