Local News

Kitakyushu Launches AI-Powered Phone Reservations

The city of Kitakyushu has initiated a trial phase for an AI-enabled phone reservation service aimed at providing citizens with faster access to public services. This trial is currently underway at a support desk in Kokurakita Ward office dealing with the “My Number Point” system.

While a booking system via the internet using smartphones and similar devices has already been tested, the new service offers an alternative for those less comfortable with digital tools, allowing them to make reservations using traditional landline phones.

The service operates through a dedicated line available 24/7. Callers are connected to an AI-powered automated response system, which facilitates reservation making and availability checks via interactive conversation. Kitakyushu’s Mayor Takeuchi has personally experienced the service, conveying that the system’s ability to understand and respond to everyday language makes it highly convenient. Source: NHK

Kitakyushu Launches AI-Powered Phone ReservationsPhoto from Kitakyushu Mayor Kazuhisa Takeuchi official Twitter

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Published: Jul 6, 2023 / Last Updated: Jul 6, 2023

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