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Kitakyushu Woos Marella Cruises Amid Tourism Drought

As international cruise visits have plunged amid the COVID-19 pandemic, the Japanese city of Kitakyushu is redoubling its efforts to lure these sea tourists back. The city recently showcased its attractions, particularly its rich cultural experiences, to the route manager of Marella Cruises, a UK-based cruise company. This engagement is significant as the company has not previously made any stops in East Asia. During the visit, the route manager was treated to an immersive tour of the Kokura Castle Garden, complete with a traditional kimono dressing experience. These initiatives come in response to a stark decline in cruise visits. While 2017 saw a record 30 foreign cruise ships dock in the city, there were none in the past year. Source: NHK

Kitakyushu Woos Marella Cruises Amid Tourism DroughtPhoto from Kitakyushu City

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Travel & Tourism
Published: Jun 22, 2023 / Last Updated: Sep 8, 2023

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