The Mayor of Kurume City, Haraguchi, has disclosed that the unprecedented heavy rain has affected approximately 3,700 buildings with flood damage. In a press conference held on July 24, he emphasized that the provision of housing and mental care for those affected will be a top priority.
He revealed that of the total buildings affected, around 1,200 had water damage above the floor level, marking the worst devastation since 2018. Haraguchi also warned that the agricultural and commercial sectors could witness maximum damage due to flooding.
In response, the city is set to offer municipal housing free of charge for up to a year for those rendered homeless. Additionally, special emphasis will be placed on providing mental care for the victims. Underlining the importance of enabling the disaster-struck residents to resume normal life, Mayor Haraguchi has also called for volunteers to help with restoration efforts like mud removal, noting that there’s a shortage of manpower. Source: NHK
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